Cattle Project
Last year in June 2017 we donated 23 cows and 5 bulls to selected families. Our goal was to help small farmers grow great cattle and feed their kids with milk and have enough fertilizers for their plants.

Farm vegetable
The project this month was to plant vegetables and fruits. One focus this year is to teach the families the importance of having a balanced diet.

Collecting Funds
Malnutrition kills more than malaria or Aids combined; basic needs should not kill nowadays. We conducted an assessment to find out the state of the kids, nutrition-wise, in the area we work in.

Back to school campaign
Our volunteers selected eighty-one kids from the different communities, who without our help would not be able to afford school supplies such as backpacks, notebooks, pens, and pencils.

Wheat and cabbage Project
We donated seeds of wheat and cabbage and helped families in need. Our goal was to raise $570 in three weeks

Corn seeds Project
We scheduled a visit to some of our sponsored families to whom we donated corn seeds back in September. It is amazing to see the fruit of our hard work and donations.

Sponsor a farm campaign
When we say, “sponsor a farmer”, it seems vague and often people question whether these farmers exist or not. Here we show thirty farmers we sponsored in the community of Sigi.

Flour mill building project
We have collected donations for the Flour mill. This will allow everyone to have access to the flour Mill, and in turn, this will allow them to have more time to work on the farm.

Flour sheds building project
We were able to start and finish building the storage sheds for the community’s Flour Mill. It was amazing to see what we could do with all the support we received. We would not have been able to do any of the building without it!

Food donation project
The families we sponsor in Burundi were going through one of the toughest times. In General, Burundi is going through insecurity/economic turmoil and this is affecting most Burundians families.

2nd annual fundraising event
We hosted our second annual fundraising event. We had a great night, with great food, live music, and a lot of raffle prizes.

Donation corn and beans
Teach to Grow Foundation donated 1 ton (1000kg) of corn and 155 kgs of beans to 31 families! Each family was given 32kg of corn and 5kg of beans! We are so happy to be touching so many lives.

Donation of corn Project
In Burundi, the families that we sponsor had the opportunity to share their stories and pains. We ended up donating 400kg of corn to twenty-six of the neediest families.

Potato farm project
Teach to Grow started its Potatoes farming project in Burundi. The goal is to multiply the seeds so that they can be given to the families we are sponsoring.

1st annual fundraising project
Our very first fundraising event was a sucess!

Donation of chickens Project
We were able to distribute twenty chickens to ten different families so that they could breed. The purpose of this donation was to help to improve the livelihood of the poor, and the windowed.