Sponsor a farm campaign

August 6, 2016 – August 31, 2016

During the past three years we managed to host one annual fundraiser, but this year we could not. However, we continued our great work without the funds that we usually get from our fundraiser, by instead setting up an online fundraiser campaign called “Sponsor a Farmer.”

Did you know? Approximately 795 million people suffer from chronic hunger. Hunger kills more people every year than malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS combined. One in four children in the developing world is stunted. One in six children in the developing world is underweight as per USAID study.

The contributions made to our “Sponsor a Farmer” campaign helped us achieve our milestone of helping thirty-two families in need of food and almost seventy-four children. With the support we received, we took steps to end hunger and malnutrition for thirty-two families! Our project was to help them with seeds for the September planting season by collecting funds. We also supervised them and gave them advice on the practices used to farm that will help them for a lifetime. The concept we used: rather than giving them fishes we teach them how to fish.

When we say, “sponsor a farmer”, it seems vague and often people question whether these farmers exist or not. Here we show thirty farmers we sponsored in the community of Sigi. As you will notice when viewing the images, there are a lot of children. The concept used: help their parents so that the children can benefit.

The parents can not afford to send their kids to school or buy them medication, or even feed them. These things are kept in mind during all our projects. There is still a lot we can do for them but the focus for “Sponsor a Farmer” is to fight so that no one would have to go to bed hungry. The event was a success, and we thank everyone who donated to the campaign and helped us spread the word. We were a part of the movement to end hunger and malnutrition one person at a time! We made a difference in the lives of small farmers in the Burundi community of Sigi, as they plan on starting their September planting season.